Why Finland is One of the Best Countries to Live In

Finland is known worldwide for its exceptional education system. Education in Finland is completely free and provided to all citizens equally. The compulsory education process lasts 9 years, with only 3-4 hours of class per day and a maximum of 20 hours per week. There are no private schools, and the focus is on teaching philosophy, logic, morality and manners before math and science. Students are taught in a stress-free environment that feels like home. As a result, Finnish people blend into society as humble, respectful, punctual and true to their word. Finland’s education system produces well-rounded citizens with strong values.

Nature and Lifestyle Offer Peace of Mind

With vast forests, thousands of lakes, and clean air, Finland’s pristine nature promotes a peaceful lifestyle. Over 90% of Finland is forested with pine trees, creating abundant green space. Along with Iceland, New Zealand, and Estonia, Finland has the cleanest air in the world. Daily life moves at a calm, unhurried pace. Saunas are integral to Finnish culture and provide relaxation. The crime rate is also extremely low, with Finland ranking 118th for crime globally. Closeness to nature and a peaceful lifestyle contribute to Finland’s high quality of life.

High Quality of Life and Prosperity

Finland is prosperous and has a very high quality of life. Its annual GDP per capita is around $60,000. Finland has the 3rd most powerful passport in the world, providing visa-free travel and residence opportunities globally. Finland is also the ancestral home of Nokia, demonstrating its innovation and prosperity despite a small population of only 5.5 million. With extensive social services, excellent healthcare, high incomes, and a relaxing way of life, Finland consistently ranks #1 for overall happiness.

Winter Activities Make the Most of Finland’s Climate

While the cold, dark winters can contribute to seasonal depression, embracing winter is key to enjoying life in Finland. Activities like icebreaker cruises, swimming in frozen waters, and dog sledding through snowy forests offer unique thrills. Visiting snow restaurants and staying in treehouse hotels provides cozy escapes. The natural beauty of Finland shines in winter, with snow coating pine forests and lakes freezing over. By making the most of its wintry climate, Finland transforms its coldest season into a magical wonderland.


In conclusion, with its world-class education system, magnificent nature, prosperous economy, and embracing of winter, Finland offers an extremely high quality of life. These factors contribute to Finland continually ranking as one of the best and happiest countries in the world. Experiencing the Finnish lifestyle firsthand reveals why so many people dream of living in this Nordic paradise.



